% my $kv = begin
% my ($key, $value) = @_;
<%= $key %>:
% end
% if (my $exception = stash 'exception') {
% my $cv = begin
% my ($key, $value, $i) = @_;
%= tag 'tr', $i ? (class => 'important') : (), begin
<%= $key %>
% end
% end
% for my $line (@{$exception->lines_before}) {
%= $cv->($line->[0], $line->[1])
% }
% if (defined $exception->line->[1]) {
%= $cv->($exception->line->[0], $exception->line->[1], 1)
% }
% for my $line (@{$exception->lines_after}) {
%= $cv->($line->[0], $line->[1])
% }
% if (defined $exception->line->[2]) {
% for my $line (@{$exception->lines_before}) {
%= $cv->($line->[0], $line->[2])
% }
%= $cv->($exception->line->[0], $exception->line->[2], 1)
% for my $line (@{$exception->lines_after}) {
%= $cv->($line->[0], $line->[2])
% }
% my $walk = begin
% my ($walk, $route, $depth) = @_;
% my $pattern = $route->pattern->unparsed || '/';
% $pattern = "+$pattern" if $depth;
% my $name = $route->name;
% my $class = $route->has_custom_name ? 'badge-success' : 'badge-secondary';
<%= $name %>
% $depth++;
%= $walk->($walk, $_, $depth) for @{$route->children};
% $depth--;
% end
% }
<%= $value %>
Server Error
This application is in development mode and will show internal information to help you with debugging.<%= $value %>
<%= $exception->message %>
tap for more
% }
% if (@{$exception->frames}) {
% for my $frame (@{$exception->frames}) {
% }
% else {
File "<%= $frame->[1] %>", line <%= $frame->[2] %>, in "<%= $frame->[0] %>" |
tap for more
% }
Page Not Found
This application is in development mode and will show internal information to help you with debugging.
None of these routes could generate a response for your
<%= $c->req->method %>
request for
<%= $c->req->url->path->to_route %>
, maybe you need
to add a new one?
<%= ' ' x $depth %><%= $pattern %>
<%= uc(join ',', @{$route->methods // []}) || '*' %>
Pattern | Methods | Name |
tap for more
% if (@{app->log->history}) {
% my $log = join '', map { scalar app->log->format->(@$_) } @{app->log->history};
<%= $log %>
% }
% else {
The application log appears to be empty, perhaps the log level <%= app->log->level %> is too
% }